Key to growing in relationship with God is the Prayer of Awareness, made toward the end of each day for about 15 minutes. In this prayer, we meet God in our life of this day and consider our responses, good and poor. Also, through a growing attentiveness to our inner ‘movements’ – e.g. our feelings, motives, and inspirations – we come to know the well-springs of our actions and patterns of our behaviour, that we may be more alert to the promptings of the power of evil so as to avoid them and more attuned to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit in order to follow them In a variety of ways, we make “spiritual exercises,” which Ignatius understands as every form of prayer which will help us to become truly free of anything that holds us captive and will en-able us to embrace God’s will so that we can truly become “God’s work of art, created in Christ Jesus to live the good life as from the beginning He had meant us to live it” (Ephesians 2:10).
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