Mission is not so much something which we do, as the whole quality of presence which we bring to the world in which we live.
Our mission is to carry on the mission of Christ, to be Christ-bearers, like Mary. Christ’s mission was not just what He did, but what He was, His whole life. And His whole life, in human terms, was full of revelation of the Father’s love. National Assembly 09 183 His dying reveals that the Father’s love is ‘unconditional’ and completely ‘vulnerable’ to His creation in the sense that, when His love is fully revealed, what we see is some one with a broken heart. And Christ’s rising reveals that the Father’s love is undying and unconquerable.
So our mission is to carry on Christ’s mission, as people who reveal the Father’s love.
We not only do this, we are this – i.e. a revelation of the Father’s love – through seeking to build the sort of world in which people can live as brothers and sisters, children of the Father.
This is the CLC Mission, and it is further specified by our experience as members of the Church. In the world today we cannot live as brothers and sisters unless: We have a simple life-style, poor with Christ poor, for a better service, and We carry the spirit of evangelisation – i.e. concern for the service of faith and the promotion of justice
Indeed, this is the CLC mission in the world today: so to live as brothers and sisters that we reveal the Father’s love, and that the people around us may also come to believe that the Reign of the Father is both possible and true.
A Reign of Justice, Peace and Love.