The recently concluded 10th CLC Kenya National Assembly held at Carmelite Community between 29th April – 1st May 2017 was quite a success. We recorded 98% turn out with all the regions very well represented. The event began with introductions from the delegates present followed by Mass celebrated by Bishop Rodrigo Mejia, S.J. Bishop Rodrigo, S.J. later on gave a key note address: “Moving to the future with hope”…which focused on matters of Social Justice and Family. More inputs on Family was shared by Ms. Edel and Ms. Catherine.
The former president and vice-president gave a National report and All Africa Assembly report respectively. To crown the day, the nominated members to EXCO were introduced to the Assembly and each given an opportunity to share brieflyn on how they would serve in the EXCO effectively. This was presided over by the Ecclesiastical Assistant, Fr. Terry, SJ
Day two of the National Assembly (30th April 2017) was quite busier with presentations and reports from various sectors. Starting us off was a presentation by Br. Elias Mokua, SJ, who gave inputs on Social Justice with focus on electing good leaders, fighting social evils such as tribalism, injustices and corruption among others and lastly on caring for the environment. The financial report as well as reports from the CLC mission projects, that is,St. Al’s School and Zaidi Centre, were presented in the afternoon. Later in the day was a presentation on Communal discernment and to crown the day was the social night where delegates were able to relax a bit and let themselves loose after a long and very tiresome day.
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